I recently stumbled onto Lila Louvari's images of Turkish actor Kivanç Tatlituğ on Twitter and loved her work. In marketing my own novels and in sharing Kivanç, I've created hundreds of graphics, but since I'm not artistic, it’s a challenge. Lila’s creativity and skill piqued my interest and made me curious about her. Find out what I discovered about Lila, what inspires her, how she creates her art, where she'd love to see it, and what other fan art she creates in this interview.
Ginger: Welcome, Lila! The Tell us about yourself!

Lila: Thank you, Ginger, for your interest and for your nice words. I have to confess that Lila Louvari is my artistic name. I am from Greece and have studied law, but now I'm working on raising my daughter and my great passion, the creation of graphic images. Kivanç was the reason that I started making graphics.
Ginger: How did you get interested in Kivanç Tatlituğ?

Lila: I saw him for the first time in Gumus, and I was impressed with his great talent in acting in addition to his beauty.
When did you make your first Kivanç graphic?
Lila: My first Kivanç graphic was in 2010. It's pictured here.
Ginger: Pretty impressive start! Where do you get inspiration for your graphic designs?
Lila: I do not really know where my inspiration comes from. I think it's a love for making pictures and talent.
Ginger: What software do you use?
Lila: My main software is Photoshop, but I also use Light Room, Pixlr, and Photo Director.

Ginger: Did you already know how to use Photoshop when you created your first Kivanç graphic?
Lila: I started studying all these programs after I saw Kivanç's first episode. He was what inspired me.
Ginger: You have my full admiration! I’ve heard Photoshop is HARD to learn. How long does it take to make one of your Kivanç graphics?
Lila: I can make a graphic within ten minutes.
Ginger: Wow! That’s fast! What are some of the challenges in making the graphics?
Lila: My challenge is that each creation has its own style and differs from others.
Ginger: What's your favorite Kivanç TV series and why?
Lila: Kuzey Guney is my favorite TV series. I love it because I like very much the script and I was excited with Kivanç's role.
Ginger: Which of your Kivanç graphic is your favorite?
Lila: I love the one below. It seems to be simple, but the combination of colors and the presence of Kivanç really fill your eyes

Ginger: I love it too! What other Turkish Drama series have you made graphics for?
Lila: I’ve created graphics for Karasevda, Kiralkik Ask, Fatmangul, Cukur, Icerde, and more.
Ginger: Which of those graphics is your favorite?
Lila: This one:

Who are your favorite Turkish stars?
Lila: My favorite Turkish stars are Baris Arduc, Burak Ozcivit, Tuba Buyukustun, Elcin Sangu, Beren Saat, Catagay Ulusoy, Ibrahim Celikol, Serenay Sarikaya, and Oyku Karayel.
Ginger: I loved Ibrahim Celikol in Sadece Sen which is on Netflix. What’s your favorite Turkish drama show that does not feature Kivanç?
Lila: Kara Sevda starring Burak Özçivit.

Ginger: If you could have one of your Kivanç graphics displayed anywhere in the world, where would you like to see it?
Lila: I would like to see my Kivanç graphics on VOGUE, because it’s a world-famous magazine and a lot of people could see my creation.
Ginger: If you could show your work to anyone in the world, who would you choose?
Lila: I would like Kivanç to see my work because it concerns him, but if someone from one the shows was interested in promoting my creations, surely I would love it ☺
Ginger: Where can people see the rest of your Kivanç graphics and your images of other Turkish actors?

Lila: You can find more of my work on:
To contact Lila, message her through Facebook.
Ginger: Last question: If you could spend 15 minutes with Kivanç, what would you say to him or ask him?
Lila: I would tell him that I admire him for his talent, and that he is incredibly much like being identified with his roles and of course he is very beautiful. I would also ask him if he has plans to test other types of roles, like comedy.
That was really interesting. Thanks, Lila!
Which of Lila’s images is your favourite? Tell us in the comments below.
*All images are the property of Lila Louvari and shared with her permission.
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•Want to see more Kivanç art? The art in the slideshow below was created by another Greek Kivanç fan artist, Ameli Gadjo Dilo. You can see all of her work on: